Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Bihar beckons

Isnt this the city of Chandragupta Maurya ?
Who had a wiseman whom they called Chanakya ?
with Viharas and Stupas and illustrations of the Pittika,
Megasthenes wrote everything in the Indika.
Now if you go and see this very city,
It is a heap of forgotten history.
A few reminiscences still reside in our minds,
and force us not to forget Pataliputra's pride.

Then you come to the great university,
Nalanda by name where monks observed chastity.
Acres of land filled with ruins of Buddhist relics,
destroyed by Bakhtiyar Khalji, a ruthless fanatic.

Lo and behold! you come to the famous Rajgir,
situated on hills mere scenic prodigy.
All around the hills different holy places stand,
show us the diversity of India our land.
A rose coloured temple, where hot sulphur flows,
all those who come here, take solemn vows.
Not far is a grove where Gautama Buddha meditated,
High or low by everyone he is venerated.

On your journey you shall pass many a river,
the Ganga during monsoons fills Villagers with hysteria.
Now it is time to pick up your travellers guide,
and visit Bihar for its sure a lovely sight!

Sonali Gupta @ 1991 on a train journey to Pataliputra

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