Friday, December 5, 2008

hoping a new hope..

And time goes on as it always has....the glimmer of hope, the mirage seems farther away...i we lose hope...or does hope lose us....perhaps we lose each other...we never meet...we move away...far away....maybe someday our paths will cross...maybe someday life will stop...and resuscitate the lost hope..a new mirage... a new hope?...but till then who can tell...we all can but wait and let life ponder over unanswered questions...still searching...


Anonymous said...

From the way I see it ... we want to expereince a life without hope which is an expereince in itself .. but hope finally does find us even if we decide not to acknowledge its presence :-) Beautiful words ... I really liked this one .. have felt this way myself ..

Sonali said...

thanks salika....:) u know what I know what u know and no one else knows what we know!! cool na!!