Thursday, May 31, 2012

My tryst with truth..Notes to a flight

Dear Captain, Another day goes by, the never ending cycle of life. Today as you take off, I was thinking of  events that unfolded during the day. Events that made me think of how important truth is to life. Truth- a five letter word so potent that it slays like the sword and illuminates even the blind mans sight. Speaking the truth is by far the easiest thing to do- simple, clear and devoid of complications. Yet, most of us choose to speak lies-complex, hard to keep track of and so difficult! Why do we choose complicated things in life Captain? Have you ever wondered? Why do people find it tough to side with what is righteous ? why is it difficult for people to be simple?  Our national emblem (Indian)- the Ashokan pillar with "Satyamev Jayate","Truth always triumphs"-an age old adage, as relevant in Emperor Ashoka's time as it is in ours today. Then how are we so divorced from such simple a concept?  The quest for truth leaves me with more questions than answers, perhaps because it is so rare nowadays. I too like the others am a victim of lies. It is a garb to protect myself from vulnerability of truth. Sad as it may be, speaking the truth bares you and makes you an object of attack. Being alone, is cold and at times freezing but you know what? I feel it is all worth it!  And then isn't truth so important, beautiful and honest. A truth bereft of vices and stained feelings. It is just pure all the way, akin to the heaven like skies you fly into each day Captain. The colour white is the only shade that does justice to how clean truth is.  How do you feel about truth?  Do you feel more connected to it when in the sky? Is it really the same kind of feeling when you touch terra firma ? 
And if you wonder what  truth is to me- It is that smile that stirs my soul, the goodness lighting up dark lurking shadows, the moment well shared and remembered, a moment when each one of us seems real, touched and more human. Today I felt that sense of well being, my smile just felt like a mile. It made me feel, we still have hope, we still are real and won't fade into oblivion or fear. For, I am glad I sided with truth today and hope it feels  this good everyday :) And as you fly away, I hope truth embraces you too in its own special way. And before this letter turns out to be a poetic soliloquy, I shall sign off and hope you land safe and sound wherever it is you are...and yes, truth is what it is, what it is- this has been my tryst with truth and i shall now wait for yours....till our next flight.. Sonali

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Amun RE

Burning the midnight oil for you Oh Amun Re-the One and the many? or perhaps the only one so lonely amongst the Oh so many!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

My cup of tea :)

Hot water on the stove, Bubbling up with a roar, The steaming waters come gushing down  Joining hands with my black tea pot  Moments of sole claritea in ones own puritea Questioning it's abilitea Would flowing be an impossibilitea? In the spirit of humanitea- with utmost solidaritea  merging with familiaritea and then the renewed vitalitea Fusing together in form and meaning giving hope to a new beginning  All that is, is  sharing and giving  With this deep claritea ive now learnt  in every possibilitea  Lies a soulful  cup of tea And With this  humilitea-I now sip my cup of tea :) With this humility..I now sip my cup of tea :)